
Wednesday, 29 February 2012 Released

Just when you lifted your head after getting working after upgrading from, along comes OBIEE - released 22 Feb.

Looks like a bunch of goodies under the hood and I'll let you know what I find, but until then check out what some of the other commentators have to say:

time for an upgrade?

Thursday, 16 February 2012

OBIEE Using Maps as Reports

Prior to OBIEE 11g the only way to get maps into your BI reports and dashboards was to use some fancy javascript, some custom html and embedding the result using a NSDP link. A mouthful and a pain, but doable.

NSDP = Non-Spatial Data Provider i.e the name you give a shape on a map, a road name or park name that has a business meaning that is constant and provides a link between the spatial and business worlds.

As I work in London, and as they say in Blue Peter - "Here's one I prepared earlier".

I'll be doing a short series of articles on preparing mapsand thoughts on using them to enhance visuals.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Changing The Range in Charts

You can override the default settings for charts. You usually want to do this because the size of chart, range, or layout doesn't match with what you had in mind for the design of your report

You want to stretch out your report, or if your graph never goes below a certain value change the axis default limits.

Easy enough, go to the Results Tab, Click on the little pencil to edit your graph and then in the layout and design panel click on the xyz image (along the top of the panel). When you hover your mouse over the image you get the tooltip "Edit graph properties".

A modal properties box appears, that allows you to edit the graph settings and parameters. The scale tab, shown above, is where you can override the defaults used for axis limits and scales.